ROUND UP | July 5

Our discographic suggestions


AFX radio team

INGEBORG - Northern Lights 'Ghandi Remix'

Ingeborg has released a remix to the successful single, collaborating with Swiss Producer Andreas "Ghandi" Vetterli. The track combines Ingeborg’s melodic enchantment with a punching electronic dance background from Andreas "Ghandi" Vetterli. This collaboration leads to a truly hypnotizing soaring version of the track.

Her debut single “Northern Lights” as well as “Rebel Hearts” exhibit and celebrate Ingeborg's power as singer songwriter and human being on a path to enlightenment, and reminds us that we all hold power within us to create a life without compromise and live it a meaningful experience. The remix is led by an upbeat thumping beat and showcases Ingeborg’s soaring yet melodical vocals.


Emerging indie pop sensation Edie Yvonne has released her latest single, “In the Rain.” Faced with raw vulnerability and introspection, Edie wrote “In the Rain'' while trying to process a painful moment of conflict with someone close to her heart. “In the Rain” is now available to stream or download on digital music platforms worldwide.

Set amongst a bittersweet melody, “In
the Rain'' masterfully captures the experience of working through a myriad of emotions. Offering an intimate window into her mind, Edie Yvonne said she
“wrote the song on a night during a loud storm in LA while trying to sit with the hurt and calm down the pain.” With vibrant harmonies, a stripped-down guitar, and soul-stirring lyrics, “In the Rain” tells the story of a quest for inner calm amidst intense turmoil. Edie’s lyrical prowess and complex understanding of human emotions shine through as she navigates the intricacies of hurt in the face of pain. “I wrote ‘In the Rain’ after an argument with a loved one, processing the words, my responses, the fears projected onto me, the resentments, and trying to sit with those feelings when it’s someone you truly care about,” she explains. “I was trying to understand the emotions and hoping the song could provide some healing down the road.”

Hobo Sermons is a singer-songwriter who plays guitar and writes what at its heart, is Folk music with other genres mixed in. Along with meaningful lyrics and that old hat of telling-it-like-it-is. Hobo Sermons also plays the bass guitar. Session musicians were used to record the drums. Niall Flynn played synths and programmed percussion.
The single "Low" was recorded and mixed at Graffiti Bridge Studio by Niall Flynn. Mastering for the track was done by Paul Gomersall.
"Low" is a reflection on how the desire for fame, recognition, acceptance, etc., is often exploited and manipulated. The price for the highs of success are the lows to which one must stoop to reach them. Or, in other words, making deals with devils.
''I am of the opinion that we’re losing songs that tell the ugly truths and reflect on the world around us. Songs that told the terrible and triumphant tales of our past, and of our present. Folk Music used to do that. And, with your support, that can be the case again. Only this time, it won’t be your parents’ kind of Folk Music.'' Hobo Sermons