“Like a Lion” is a poignant chronicle of Rosina Buck's journey through the final days of a relationship

By Matt

11/12/20231 min read

Spareness in music can be tricky to navigate sometimes. When there isn’t much of a background or instrumental to fall back on, the voice is all that’s there to carry the message and heart of a song. Effortless work for UK singer-songwriter Rosina Buck. On “Like a Lion”, Buck uses minimal percussion and a restrained backing to help exemplify a “poignant chronicle of Rosina’s journey through the final days of a relationship.” Although it was released only recently, the song has been in Buck’s wheelhouse for several years, beginning its recording process just before the COVID-19 lockdowns hit in early 2020.

As the song builds up into a beautiful crescendo in its climax, we see how the very best artists use spareness and minimalism in their music: as a counterpoint to something greater and grander. Buck describes the relationship in the song as such: “Two souls, scared & wounded, attempting to navigate the turbulent ocean of love… unable to see past their own pain and hurting each other in the process.” In its gloomy allure, “Like a Lion” shines like the sun dividing the night.

Catch 'Like a Lion' on Spotify:

On Rotation: 'Like a Lion'