PowerBush - Sex Like Thunder

PowerBush delivers a set of highly anticipated singles from her upcoming album 'Collide'. 'Sex Like Thunder' is out now.

By Eleonora

11/23/20231 min read

PowerBush has a new classic rock single, smooth like no other with the release of “Sex Like Thunder”. This rocker has a soulful voice that pairs beautifully with the saxophone and electric guitar, making you think how badly you wish you could hear it in person. Polina Antoni Kanin is the epitome of a rocker chick, she’s cool and strong and sexy - everything that this single is. With a production style that she describes as a “live producer”, she relies entirely on the impulsivity of her emotions and her musicians intuition. That is exactly where the strength of her music lies, in the manner in which she expresses herself and the instruments are played. The lyrics are simple, but she is able to transform the musical performance with her demeanour and skill. This song sets the tone for her upcoming European tour, as I imagine it is a performance you won’t want to miss. PowerBush reminds us of a time when artists sounded better in person, rather than on record - “Sex Like Thunder” is definitely one of those songs that you need to hear on stage.

Catch 'Sex Like Thunder' on rotation this week on AFX and on Spotify: