Championing quite a mysterious identity, Lady Alderney represents the idea of female empowerment, the fierce independence that comes from being confident in her own abilities and charisma


7/17/20231 min read

Championing quite a mysterious identity, Lady Alderney represents the idea of female empowerment, the fierce independence that comes from being confident in her own abilities and charisma. Emerging from Australia, about her we know that she’s a talented songwriter and singer, and has been around the industry for a while, collaborating with national and international acts.

‘She’s Boss’ is the project’s 8th single, and takes the shape of an EDM, dance-infused banger, with Lady Alderney crowning the track with her evocative and bright vocals. Quite an infectious record, we are confident it will connect to a larger audience.

In fact, the project’s whole outlook is rather glorious, reiterating the need for a strong female hand. As we are told: “When Lady Alderney sets her mind to something she focuses on it, moves toward it, lives it and breathes it. She becomes it. She owns it.”


On Rotation: Lady Alderney Calls for Female Empowerment in ‘She’s Boss’

Catch Lady Alderney on Spotify: