Interview to RACYNE PARKER
Focus: Americana artist Racyne Parker drops her new single “Make It Out Alive''.
By P.P.
11/21/20233 min read

Hello Racyne. Welcome to AFX.
What would you say is your greatest strength as a singer/musician?
I think my greatest strength as an artist is that I am very aware that there is so much I have yet to learn, in music and in life, and because of that there is almost unlimited potential to work towards unlocking. This creates a whole lot of space to explore, evolve, improve, and keep going – I think that will continue to be reflected in the songwriting and the music that I make as I go along this journey.
How do you stay motivated and inspired to create new music?
I’ve found that staying in motion really helps me to stay motivated – even if it’s just doing one thing every day to chip away at the dreams I’ve got. That one thing every day really helps maintain momentum and for me, momentum generates motivation. As far as staying inspired, often my best songs are the direct result of simply living – spending quality time with friends or family, getting out of my house, or even just daydreaming in my backyard. Other times, new music comes as a result of trying to process the emotions that I’m experiencing. Music is the best way for me to channel and document my life and the life around me – and I find a lot of inspiration in that.
What’s the best compliment someone could give you about your songwriting?
I think the best compliment to get as a songwriter is “that’s exactly how I feel too” or “that happened to me” - or some variation of those. When I write a song based on my own experiences or imagination and others can relate to it based on their personal experiences or imagination, then I think I’ve created a moment that we can live in and share. And, maybe more importantly, we can hold knowing that we’re not alone in what we’ve been experienced.
Do any of your songs based on personal experiences? If so, can you tell me about one that’s particularly special to you?
I think most of my songs are inspired by personal experiences. The most recent example of this is my latest single, “Make It Out Alive.” After a sudden loss in my family last year, I felt the need to process my grief, and anger at the unfairness of it all, and this song allowed me to explore those feelings. The song was very cathartic for me to write, and I’m very proud of how it turned out.
How would you define success in music?
For me, success in music looks like sustainability – being able to write, record, release, and perform music consistently over a few decades. In order to do that, I plan to continue to build community, embrace joy, and stay true to who I am through the music that I make – and I hope you’ll come along with me!
What are your plans for the coming months?
I’m very excited to be working on releasing new music over the next several months – I think I’ve got my best work yet to put out there, and I just can’t wait to get it into the hands of the folks who have been with me from the beginning and the folks who are just joining me now.
If you had one message to give to your fans, what would it be?
I’ll tell you right now, I couldn’t – wouldn’t – do this all on my own. I’m so grateful to have friends like you to keep me company. We’re just getting started, and I can’t wait to see what all is in store for us! See you down
Catch the latest single "Make it out alive''on Spotify: