'MOVE ON UP' is influenced by late 80s early 90s pop songs that were funky dance records that also contained futuristic synth based and cinematic elements. This is a song that was inspired by a feeling of elevation and freedom. Kelly Phoenix
8/28/20232 min read

Hi Kelly! Please introduce yourself. How did you first start producing the style of music that you are releasing today?
I started really working on music about three years ago. When Covid hit I used this unfortunate event as an opportunity for me to develop my songwriting and producing skills. I have always loved rnb and soul music and I found that it was that type of music that I wanted to create.
Did your style evolved since the beginning of your career?
Let’s just say that my first releases don’t reflect my initial style. “No Mistake” and “Black Magic Spell” are very dark rock and pop records while what I’m orienting myself towards is more soul, disco or jazz
Tell us something about your professional journey so far?
It’s been an exciting journey to say the least. I got to work with many different collaborators, meet a lot of talented people and travel through my music.
Which songwriters do you admire and why?
People like George Michael, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Marvin Gaye, Frank Ocean or Michael Jackson are some of my favorite songwriters. I guess what connects them all is that soulfulness, the depth, darkness or brightness of their writing. I admire the wide variety of topics they have written about wether it be about the love, pain, loneliness, sex, the ecology or the human condition as a whole.

What has been the best performance of your career so far?
I would say that my best performance thus far was at Harvard and Stone in July of last year in Hollywood. I had heavily rehearsed the show with my band and it was a lot of fun. I can’t wait to get back on stage with those guys and widen my catalog of live songs.
How would you define success in music?
As long as you are honest with yourself and that the music you put out has that feeling of truth and that people believe in you and are inspired by what you have to say and decide to pay their hard earned money to listen or watch you play around the world, that’s success to me.
Do you have any upcoming shows? Is there something to say to your fans?
There are many things coming but among them, one that I’m most proud of is a multiple part music short film that we are currently working on and that I think is going to be very exciting.
Catch 'Move On Up' on Spotify and AFX Radio: