CARLA MALROWE - The petals and sand

Dark electronica and classic indie combine in Carla Malrowe’s magnetic debut EP.

By Juan

11/28/20231 min read

Carla Malrowe - The Petals and Sand EP

Meet Carla Malrowe, originally from South Africa but now calling the Netherlands home. Her debut EP, "The Petals and Sand," released on November 10th, is a captivating blend of dark electronica and classic indie vibes. Through five tracks, this musical journey artfully delves into the intricate emotions of grief, weaving each song into a magnetic and cinematic story.

The genesis of this EP roots itself in Malrowe's profound connection to a Rome song, sparking a transformative journey where grief took on the guise of an artistic pilgrimage.

From "Dear Host" to "In Rome," each track in the EP acts as an emotive vessel, carrying a range of emotions from raw directness to captivating intrigue, all underscored by striking melodies.

Crafted in her Johannesburg home studio, this EP blossomed under the collaborative genius of producer Barry Berk, alongside the musical finesse of Waldo Luc Alexander and Matthew Fink.

What sets this EP apart is the fusion of dark electronica with classic indie, creating an auditory tapestry woven through flowing violins, melancholic chords, and easily embraced structures.

Malrowe's affinity for electronics shines through in the pulsating beats, layered electronic organs, and synth bass, perfectly complementing the profound lyrical narrative.

"The Petals and Sand" deeply resonates with audiences, eliciting emotions through its intricate storytelling and sublime musicality. Carla Malrowe's EP transcends boundaries, encapsulating the raw essence of grief transformed into an indietronic masterpiece, harmonizing haunting melodies with profound narratives.