BRUNER - My Descent into Madness

The 10 tracks Album was written and performed by Bruner with the help of Whippet-multi instrumentalists members.

By Juan

12/18/20231 min read

Within the depths of Whippet's basement, Bruner's odyssey, "My Descent into Madness," took its first breath—a musical journey destined to resonate deeply within the hearts of its listeners.

Drawing from the vibrant wellsprings of pop and indie rock, Bruner meticulously weaves a tapestry of influences, sculpting a vivid and immersive sonic landscape that captivates and enthralls.

The zenith of Bruner's musical prowess reverberated at Whippet Live, etching indelible melodies into the souls of the audience. Here, the essence of "My Descent into Madness" found its expression.

Beyond the notes and verses lies Bruner's heart, crafting music that teeters on the brink of eccentricity. This unique musical narrative resonates profoundly with those seeking unconventional yet enchanting auditory experiences.

Deep within the confines of Whippet's basement studio, "My Descent into Madness" emerged—a testament to Bruner's dedication, collaboration, and the harmonious fusion of musical visions.

The album's genesis arose from Bruner's collaboration with the versatile Whippet members. Their diverse instrumental prowess—vibraphone, trumpet, and more—added depth and dimension to the storytelling of "My Descent into Madness."

At the core of this musical opus lies Bruner's emotional voyage—a narrative traversing the highs and lows of relationships, culminating in a haunting descent into madness. The album mirrors Bruner's tumultuous journey.

Catch 'My Descent into Madness' (Album) on Spotify: